Friday, December 19, 2008

rocketpascks 12/19/08

Wired T.V Rocket Belt

Under an army contract opperation Grasshopper. Started makeing a rocket belt.
It's powered by perpxide to make it fly. Steem is diving it. Harold gram was the first to fly the rocket belt. He showed it th=o the presedent of. For some the rocket belt is never going to go away. Stuart Ross Said that flying a rocket belt is really crazy. He also said that the newest imjproved rocket belt is Eric Sots.
They said" All you see infront of you when you fly the rocket belt is the handels.The more you consentrate on the flying tectnec the more mess up it is. If you don't concentrate on it you fly smooth and calm."

1 comment:

fats pepper said...

not true your wrong go home