Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Channle One News 11/11/08

It's Veterans Day!The Money Crisis

This year over one million people lost there jobs. Foot ball player in Florida were making food for homeless people. People can't find jobs. People look in the paper for job openings but job are getting harder and harder to find. In some towns because of the money crisis are forced to live in a tent. Some say that they are OK with having to live in a tent for a while.

TV surveys say...
Are people more effected if they have a TV in there room? Some studies say that boys that have TVs in there room don't eat fruits and vegetable. The study for the women show that they are most likely to go out to play.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Channle One News 11/4/08

The Election

Recent poles show that Obama is the leader of the race. People go out and give people info about the race. It takes time, work, and effort. And they try to sway people to go for the candidate they like. Last week many people casted there vote on channel one news last week. The poles show that kids under 18 want Obama to win the vote.In thirteen states the votes for the candidates are swaying back and forth.


The government is wanting back 7.3 million from Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is a country in the middle of south Africa. The government has given Zimbabwe 43$ million for the bad case of aids and HIV. To try to fix the problem.

Kick for Nick

Nick is a solider in Iraq that started a program called Kick for Nick. Where he gives ball to kids in Iraq.